X-Ray Reveals What’s Inside Rigged Roulette Wheel!
We're a state built on gaming, but the thing about gambling is it also attracts cheaters. Monday, the University of Nevada Medical School helped out with a cheating scam no agent with the Gaming Control Board has seen before.
"We've heard stories over the years, we've read about it but we've never seen one - it's in the league with DB Cooper, Bigfoot and UFO's," said Jim Edwards a senior agent with the Gaming Control Board.
The wooden wheel spent 70 years in a Sacramento-area garage.
A Reno couple bought it and learned it had a series of wires hidden inside. The wires were hooked up to four batteries wrapped in newspapers from the "Sacramento Bee" dating to December 31, 1932.
"And I said, 'Oh my God! We have a gaffed table,'" said owner Sharon Nickson Cox, "And to the best of our knowledge it's the only one in the world today that hasn't been destroyed by the mob or the feds."
But learning how it works could only be accomplished with the help of X-ray. "We originally thought maybe it was operated with magnets with the batteries, but we believe now it was a mechanical device - maybe a little pin came out of the side that would make the ball drop," said Cox.
And although any crime would have happened some 80 years ago (likely in California), the Nevada Gaming Control Board is still curious, "We like to have accurate information in our files as to what happens, what has happened historically," said Edwards.
Because as they say, history repeats itself.
The roulette wheel originally sold for $250 in the 1920's. Today, it's appraised for $250,000.