Developing That Great Casino Cheat and Poker Cheat Move in the Lab!
What are the components of an effective poker or casino cheating move? There are four basic elements that determine the feasibility and effectiveness of all brick and mortar casino and poker cheat moves. The first is the mechanics of the move, mainly whether it can be physically done and with a relative amount of ease. Since poker and casino cheating moves have really little to do with sleight of hand, the physical mechanics of cheat moves comes down to the skill and dexterity of normally capable people. An example of a difficult move would be picking up the dolly on a roulette game and slipping chips underneath it after the dealer has placed it on the winning number. Although distractions might be used to take the dealer’s eyes off the layout, it is important to distinguish the difference between these diversionary tactics and sleight of hand, which this is not. An example of an easier physical move would be the blackjack pastpost described here.
The second important factor in designing a poker cheat or casino cheat move is the exposure it takes. As in any physical crime, the longer you are committing it, the worse it is. Most casino cheat scams get busted because their perpetrators are on the tables doing it for too long a time. All the cheat moves during my cheating career were done in a split-second. I never took much exposure, giving the casino little or no time to set me up. When you hear about card-marking scams and digital camera scams in casinos getting busted, surveillance was on to them and therefore had the chance to film them and set the cheats up for the bust. So the best poker and casino cheat scams are the ones that happen quickly and limit the cheats’ time in the casino.
The third important factor is being able to conceal the move as much as possible. This does not mean physically hiding it. That part is covered in the mechanics of the move. Here I am talking about concealing the move after it has been successfully done in the poker room or casino. After you do the move and get paid, you still don’t want the casino to figure out what happened, mainly because you want to keep doing the same successful move at other tables in the casino and at other casinos. Good moves will have psychology built into them, such as setting the casino up for the kill and making them forget about it after they’re dead. This way when the cheat makes his claim to get paid on a move, the casino already believes he is a high roller and pays off. Part of this facet is to also play at the table after the move went down, further camouflaging the move and reducing the casino’s chances of catching on to you.
The last important factor is the longevity of a cheat move. Good ones will last for a while. For instance, my blackjack pastpost move produced big money in the world’s casinos for thirty years, and is still going strong. Unless your move makes huge money in a one-shot deal, it won’t be worth developing it if it doesn’t last.
With all this in mind, I would say my Savannah casino roulette cheat move would be as close to the perfect move as possible. It was physically easy to do, took only a split-second, actually concealed and camouflaged itself, and lasted as long as I wanted it to. To this day, casinos cannot stop it.
Oh!... One thing I forgot to mention that is necessary to all successful casino and poker cheat moves...You need the balls to do them! THEY are not developed in the casino cheating lab!