Australia has long been a favorite haven for professional casino cheat teams, and I myself used to love going Down Under only to resurface with loads of profits! With its giant casinos that rival the size of the biggest US casinos, and perhaps its less capable or nonchalant surveillance departments, casino cheat teams have found some friendly confines in which to ply their crafts.
I have been receiving steady reports through June and the first week of July of pastposters, shuffle-trackers and poker and slot machine cheats. Conrad Jupiters seems to be the Foxwoods of Australia, meaning, of course, that Conrad Jupiters is Australia's most cheat-prone casino. Strangely enough, that casino has also been the target of dozens of complaints about gamblers leaving their kids unattended in and around the casino.
There have been more than 1400 complaints of casino cheating within the last year at Brisbane and Gold Coast casinos, including sharp rises in the theft of casino chips and coins. There have also been credit scams and reports of cheating in poker rooms. I imagine the Russian card-swapping and collusion teams are having a field day there!
Conrad Jupiters' managing director Stuart Wing said the company was happy for the information to be in the public domain. Mr Wing said the company's commitment to regulations was displayed in any increases in statistics. That he would have to explain to me. Remember a large number of reported cases does not mean surveillance is doing a good job catching the cheats. It means that the casino is rather easy to cheat.
"We work to close any loopholes that are found," Mr Wing said. "It shows we are responsible managers of a casino operation. We have a very pro-active stance on regulation."
In spite of Mr. Wing's supposed commitment to regulation, Conrad Jupiters and other casinos have also had problems with licensing dealers, such as breaking the law with "official" letters showing a dealer worked the tables at the Gold Coast casino last December despite being unlicensed.
In some of the 525 internal procedural breaches last year, a three-month audit of the operation of the game of craps found violations at the same Broadbeach venue. It found "dealing inconsistencies" had occurred for some time but the details have been blacked out by FOI officers for commercial-in-confidence reasons. In another case at Jupiters in Townsville in December, the integrity of 12 decks of the casino's official playing cards were compromised when a staff member left them on top of a roulette touchbet terminal.
Wow!...It might be a long flight to get Down Under, but it sure as hell seems worth it--if you're a poker or casino cheat.