Yes, it’s true! There is an even bigger casino cheat out there than me. And you’d probably never guess who it is, so I’ll just come out and tell you his name: It’s Bernard Madoff. Sound familiar? Of course it does—but you know him only as the world’s biggest-ever Ponzi-Scheme swindler, not as the world’s biggest casino cheat, a title I once proudly held. So then, how did Bernard Madoff make his mark as the world’s biggest casino cheat and scam artist? Was he once a member of my casino cheat team, or of Joe Classon’s infamous Classon Pastposting Team? Hardly. Neither Joe classon nor I have even met the guy, nor had we heard of him before last December when the news of his $50 billion Wall Street financial scam broke.
No, Madoff has earned the title of the world’s greatest casino cheat the easy way: without ever having had to walk inside a casino. I’m not saying that he never has walked into a casino. I imagine he has, but I don’t know for sure. But what I do know is that among the names on the huge list of Madoff’s financial victims are those of people who own lots of stock in some of the world’s biggest casino megaresorts. Figuring that the losses of these casino owners to Madoff’s superscam dwarf the amount I cheated them out of over the years makes Madoff the best casino cheat ever! I guess if we go by that measure, he would also be the world’s number-one cheat at a lot of other things too.
But before I leave this humorous blog entry, let me ask you this. Have you taken a good look at this guy? At his face? Have you noticed that beak and hawk-like eyes he’s got? Have you also heard people’s accounts of how emotionless he was in federal court when he copped out his plea?
Tell me that this guy hasn’t got ice running through his veins!
I guess what I’m saying is that I would have loved to have Madoff cheating the casinos with my team. Why? Simply put: with a pair of cajones like he’s got, imagine what a fearless ice-blooded character like that would have done to the casinos at the tables!