In doing so I plan to relay several vignettes and anecdotes that sadly did not make it into AMERICAN ROULETTE because of editors' concerns for length etc.
I will also provide updates from my former colleagues who are still "working" the world's casinos. To my knowledge, such an expose of actual contemporary crimes is the first of its kind, a groundbreaking feature, whose existence is only possible in the blogosphere. I'm excited to bring it to you. I am sure you will enjoy reading these UPDATES FROM THE CHEATER¹S WORLD as much as I used to enjoy living similar adventures.
Finally, I want to address one order of unfinished business for those who asked me for further proof of by bona fides as a casino cheater. As if the detailed content in my memoir AMERICAN ROULETTE was not enough to establish that for 25 years I lived the life of a professional casino cheater, I present the following photograph. Taken of me as I was detained in a particular casino's backroom after they suspected me of pulling off 'moves' in their casino. I later received it from an insider informant who I payed off to keep me apprised of my status within casino security circles.
The guys who detained me were of course right I was cheating them that night. In fact, if I recall correctly they only became suspicious (all they need is suspicion to backroom anyone on their property) after a particular good run that we had at their expense. Anyway, as we operated in ways that never allowed casinos to possess proof of what we were doing, no charges were ever filed. I walked away scott free with their money (as I always did - rarely even suspected - I was never prosecuted).
Even though I am now retired, my informants tell me that I remain on the suspect lists and records of the various casino security services that are subscribed to by every major casino in the world. For those looking for even more proof, look out for an upcoming special on The History Channel, about my exploits. Set to air this Spring, it features me as well as some of the leading casinos surveillance investigators, who attest to my casino cheating resume.