
Sunday, March 24, 2019

NFL Star Adam "Pacman" Jones to Plead Guilty to Casino-Cheating...Wow!

NFL Casino Cheat Pacman Jones
Wow! I understand he allegedly threatened to kill an Indiana Gaming Commission officer, which is not to be taken lightly, but still I can't believe a star athlete is actually pleading guilty to a felony over a casino cheating charge. Just less than a year ago, ex-NBA star Charles Oakley was arrested in a Las Vegas casino for allegedly cheating the same way Pacman Jones was,,,pastposting, bet-capping and pinching bets (removing or reducing losing bets before the dealer takes them), but pleaded to a misdemeanor and walked.

In both cases, the chips involved in the casino crimes were black $100 chips.

There have been several cases of star athletes cheating in casinos, most of them not prosecuted. Why do they do it? I don't believe it is often related to compulsive gambling or a desperate financial situation. I think rather it has more to do with ego than anything else. Sometimes celebrity stardom goes to professional athletes' heads, and those who are famous in violent sports like boxing and American football may be more prone to these types of incidents.

As far as jail time for Pacman Jones, I'm not sure I understand the article correctly, but it appears he will be sentenced to 545 days for the cheating-at-gambling charge and 365 days for resisting arrest and battery on a person, but all but 14 days of both sentences will be suspended, thus Pacman will only spend 28 days in jail and be ready for the 2019 NFL season.