
Monday, August 13, 2018

Richard Jarecki, Father of Modern Roulette Wheel Clocking, Dies at 86.

The man who loved roulette
Clocking roulette wheels reached its heyday in the 1990s and 2000s, at least as far as press on it goes, but the man who started it all began clocking roulette wheels all over Europe in the 1960s.

Clocking roulette wheels is taking advantage of imperfect or damaged wheel parts that render the wheel with a bias, meaning that some numbers or sections of numbers will come out more than the others, thus defying random probability.

The skilled roulette clocker can chart or record numbers coming out over a long period of time and determine if a wheel has a bias, which can be bet on.

And bet on biases is exactly what Dr. Richard Jarecki did, not only in Europe but as well in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Australia and the Philippines. He became a huge pain in the ass to many casinos across the world, amassing a small fortune.

Needless to say Jarecki was both a medical doctor and scientific researcher--in short just a plain old genius!

He truly loved his art of clocking biased roulette wheels and finding them led him on travels all over the world. In his time he saw many roulette balls jump the frets and fall into the black, red and green pockets.

Dr. Jarecki will be missed sorely--but not by casinos.

You can bet he will be showing up in the Poker and Casino Cheats Hall of Fame!