
Monday, July 09, 2018

Armed Robberies not the only Crime on the rise in North American Casinos

Canadian Money Laundering Palace?
Not by a longshot!

Pulling up alongside armed robbery at the top of the casino-crime stretch guessed it! laundering.

As more and more casinos sprout out of the ground and those already existing get bigger, organized crime is growing along with them. And the new new-wave casino crime is big...and it's federal.

It's good 'ol money laundering.

And I'm not just talking about the drug and LA gangs using Vegas casinos to clean up their dirty money. Nor am I talking solely about the United States when I mention "North America."

Canada is getting their fare share of casino money-laundering action as well. Just today a report made available by the British Columbia Office of the Attorney General has poured rotten eggs all over Metro Vancouver casinos.

According to an article on, "information revealed through a freedom-of-information request details suspected cheating, fraud and money laundering at the Kelowna Playtime Casino."

The article goes on to state that eleven other investigations of cheating or collusion are underway, not only in Vancouver casinos but as well in Okanagan casinos.

One Vancouver casino allegedly accepted $13.5 million in $20 bills in a one-month period.

I don't know if all of Las Vegas gets that many $20 bills in a month! It does seem like money laundering to me.

Attorney General David Eby says at least $100 million has been laundered through these casinos.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Deputy Commissioner Peter German, commissioned to investigate by Eby, found that the actual total laundered is probably much higher.

To top that off, surveillance video from an unnamed Vancouver casino shows gamblers walking into the casino with suitcases and a hockey bag full of $20 bills.

It does not say if they simply dumped all those twenties on the craps table.