
Friday, February 16, 2018

Video Nabs Poker Card-Swapping Pair at Grosvenor UK Casino

Jolly Card-Switching Buddies
Apparently the two laddies were drunk the night they played 3-card poker at the Grosvenor casino in Stockton. But that didn't stop 54-year-old Ian Banki and 51 year-old Steven Pooley from pulling a little card switch at the poker that netted the card-swapping cheats $2,500.

There was no one else involved in the scam. The dealer was distracted by a fellow employee coming over to the table and the pair just seized the moment.

In fact, Banki told the judge, "There's not a lot we can say. We didn't go in there to cheat. We had a good drink and it just happened. We are very very embarrassed and ashamed of what we did."

Well, that "good" drink turned sour when casino personnel played back the video and saw the pair switch the cards.

The judge, Kristina Harrison, after listening to Banki's excuse, said, "Probably opportunistic after a few drinks." She then ordered the pair to pay back the money they swindled from Grosvenors and slapped Banki with fines and costs totalling $150 and Pooley $450. I don't no why she held Pooley three times more responsible than Banki--Must be a personal quirk.

My take: Well, I think this judge was both cool and fair. She didn't make a big deal of this and give the pair a prison term or a felony conviction.