
Friday, October 20, 2017

Very Interesting article on Cyber Cheating Slot Machines

Can he stop the high-tech casino cheats?
Remember the mysterious Russian math whiz and cyber-gang casino-cheat leader known as Alex who figured out how slot machines manufactured by Australian gaming company Aristocrat Leisure generate the pseudo-random numbers that determine when the machines odds shift in favor of the player?

Well, if you don't, Alex sent an army of cyber casino-cheats to invade casino slot machines worldwide armed with this knowledge--and they won/cheated tens of millions from major casinos on several continents.

Well, now Blaine Graboyes, a gambling-machine guru and current CEO GameCo, Inc., a manufacturer of video-game gambling machines, says he has the answer to combat this type of cyber casino-thievery.

Read all about it in this very interesting article.