
Friday, September 08, 2017

Can we believe any of these "Advantage Play Experts" out there?

The short answer is yes...but that answer is very short, because as far as I'm concerned, there is only one real Advantage Play expert out there, and his name is Eliot Jacobson.

The real AP expert!
This self-professed ex-mediocre advantage player is quite more than mediocre when it comes to analyzing advantage play methods and techniques, both for prospective players and casinos looking for advice on how to make their gaming tables less vulnerable to advantage play. Jacobson has for many years thoroughly examined everything advantage play from simple card-counting to Phil Ivey's monster edge-sorting baccarat scam.

He has written it all in a superb book called "Advanced Advantage Play."

Although I have some differences of opinion with him, one of such being Jacobson's assertion that Phil Ivey's edge-sorting tactics amount to advantage play and not cheating (for me edge-sorting is as much cheating as any other cheat move if the dealers' procedural methods are altered in any way by the player to gain an edge), I have the utmost respect for Eliot Jacobson for his truly in-depth and accurate analysis of anything advantage-play related that comes across his desk--even if his videos are interrupted by an occasional invited guest--mainly his dog!