
Monday, July 03, 2017

Is it possible to get on a real enduring Hot Streak playing Slot Machines? Without Cheating?

Sizzling-Hot Slot Machines
When gamblers talk about hot streaks in casinos, online or in brick and mortar ones, the games that often get referred to are baccarat, roulette, blackjack and  poker. I myself as a baccarat dealer recall an evening where a gentleman banker dealt 24 winning bank hands in a row. I also remember one player playing heads up blackjack on a double-deck game who ran through two double decks without losing a single hand.

But what about slot machines?

When people talk about big scores on slot machines the subject is always jackpots or rigging jackpots, which in most casino jurisdictions is a felony punishable by years in prison. You don't hear much about people saying something like, "I went on this big sizzling slot machine streak and didn't lose on a single machine in a week."

Well, maybe that's because such a statement would be impossible based on reality.

But maybe not.

Back in the day when I was cheating casinos, my team and other cheating teams hung out after hours in a Denny's restaurant in Las Vegas next to the old Dunes Hotel. There we would shoot the shit and tell war stories. One guy at another table was telling a story about an old World War One veteran who entered the Golden Nugget casino in Downtown Vegas with a single nickel.

Well, did you ever hear of the expression "His last wooden nickel?"

This old-timer's nickel was not wooden....supposedly it was steel, one of the steel nickels that were minted during World War Two because of shortages of nickel alloy at the US mint.

And that steel nickel turned into gold because the guy went on a Sizzling Hot streak hitting slot machine after slot machine for small jackpots, which led to a much bigger jackpot he hit with five silver dollars at a casino ironically called "The Mint.".

The amount of his sizzling win was more than half a million dollars...and we´re talking 1960s here!