
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Electronic Roulette Cheating in Quebec Casino Charlevoix

Pretty Place!
Yujin Wu, an Australian national of Asian descent, arrived at the Charlevoix casino, near Quebec City, on or around June 9th of this year. He played electronic roulette and very coolly and quickly beat the game for some five grand.

Mr. Wu cashed out his winnings, seemingly without incident, then returned to the casino on or around June 22nd.

This time Mr. Wu barely got to place a bet!

Whatever plans and strategies he had to beat the casino's electronic roulette table again were quickly dashed in the form of casino security agents and police arresting him.

Allegedly, Mr. Wu arrived at the casino furnished with his own electronic gear to interfere with and beat the casino's electronic roulette system. Details are sketchy at best, but evidently an internal casino investigation into Mr. Wu's initial $5,000 win allegedly produced evidence of his tampering with the game and the casino was put on high alert for his return.

Sure enough Mr Wu did return as he must have figured he had a good thing going. But there is yet any proof that he did anything wrong or illegal.

Well, now he is in an electronic mess! Possibly a felony one...but only if the casino proves his guilt.

I am somewhat skeptical.