
Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Is this a Bungled Attempt at Pulling off my Famed Savannah Roulette Cheat Move?

Me demonstrating the Savannah
First, read this news account of what the aspiring cheat did.

Then tell me what you think. Is it an attempt as Savannah or not? And if you think it is, please tell me why you think it was good or bad or ridiculously bad.

My thought is, if I understand correctly what the guy was doing, is how could he sit there with his hands covering the bet the whole time the ball was spinning? How could the dealer or a floor person standing nearby not notice this?

And then, why didn't he just DO the Savannah correctly if his awkward move was indeed inspired by it? I mean, loads of people are out there still doing this incredible move with lots of success.

The bottom line is I'd bet this guy was indeed doing his version, albeit ridiculous, of my Savannah.