
Saturday, November 19, 2016

So Who is Casino Cheat-Catcher B.C. and What does he Have to Say about Richard Marcus?

Was this guy the best?
Veteran casino journalist and ace writer for Cigar Aficionado Magazine Michael Kaplan has recently written a feature entitled "Cheater Catcher," in which he profiles some bad-ass casino security/surveillance detective who is putting some serious casino cheats and casino cheating teams out of business and behind bars.

In the article, B.C., which is an acronym for "Beating Cheaters," describes how he gets his thrills catching and helping to prosecute big-time cheats as well as how he picks up on them and their moves. He talks about several notorious cheats, but gives biggest mention to you-know-who...yours truly.

 I have linked to the article above and you can read it and form your own opinion. What he says about me is very complimentary, and he has high praise for my famous Savannah move. The only problem is that either B.C. or the writer Michael Kaplan screwed up because the move described in the article is not my Savannah move but rather my "ten-oh-five" blackjack move, and even it is far from accurately depicted.

 But in spite of the mistakes, I will take prideful pleasure in being considered by B.C. as perhaps the greatest casino cheat in history! But I take offense in his saying he caught me (or maybe that is Kaplan's mistake). No one ever caught me...SO LET THAT RECORD BE CLEAR!

 Now, who is B.C. really? I don't know but if I had to guess, it's a guy named James Hartley, whom I met at the 2007 World Game Protection Conference where I was the keynote speaker. Hartley showed me his files on me and my moves, and he certainly had the "lock 'em up" appearance and attitude.