
Friday, September 30, 2016

Nevada Gaming Control Board Enforcement Division Chief Gives the Lowdown on Casino Cheating

NGCB Chief on Cheating
James Taylor, the deputy chief Of the NGCB's Enforcement Division, told a packed seminar room at the Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas that casino cheating and scams are on the rise and that 25% of Nevada's casino cheats are the casinos' own employees.

He spoke about a wide range of casino-cheat activities, everything from high-tech scams to desperados grabbing players' chips off the tables and running out the doors.

Ironically, he said that these chip grab-and-run scams are the state's biggest casino-cheat headache and are also the hardest to stop and catch the cheats involved.

He said that casino cheats are becoming more sophisticated with high-tech scams like marking cards with invisible ink and reading them with special glasses or contact lenses

He also expressed his sadness that so much casino management was involved in crimes against the casinos they work at.

You can read the complete news article here.

My take: I agree with Mr. Taylor when he says that the basic scams are often the most difficult to stop. After all, my notorious Savannah scam was so easy and basic but the casinos could never figure it out--not even with an FBI investigation!