
Friday, August 19, 2016

When the Casino Cries Foul over a Huge Slot Machine Jackpot

Poor Veronica
From time to time, or maybe even a bit more frequent than that, a casino patron wins a huge jackpot only to be told by the casino that there was a malfunction with the particular slot machine and therefore the jackpot is voided.

When this happens, is the casino deliberately trying to avoid paying out a legitimate jackpot,or is the casino telling the truth about a malfuction?

Well, I will answer the quesiton like this: About forty years ago I walked into a bank to withdraw the last five thousand bucks I had in my savings account to finance a gambling binge (a legitimate one before I got into casino cheating). After the transaction, I asked the teller what my balance was.

She answered five hundred fifty-five thousand dollars and change!

I thought my ears were deceiving me, so I asked her to repeat it...and she did!

I knew immediately that this was some kind of computer error but of course I thought about withdrawing all that money on the spot and closing the account.

But my ball were not big enough at the time, so I just ignored it and waited for the next bank statement which reflected the correction and posted my true balance of fifty-five cents.

My point is that these types of errors do happen, and they happen with slot machines as well. So I conclude that the faulty non-cheating jackpots that occur in casinos are real. I mean, after all, casino jackpots pay for themselves by the money that patrons put into the machines, so there is absolutely no reason for casinos to play hanky-panky with slot jackpot payouts.

The latest victim of this was Veronica Castillo, who for a few minutes thought she hit an $8 million jackpot at the Lucky Eagle casino in Washington State. The casino staff advised her of the machine's malfunction and deleted five zeroes off her jackpot total--paying her eighty bucks and apologizing for the error.

That's the way it goes, Veronica