
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Casino Cheat Couple use myChoice Card to Swipe $320,000 from Missouri Casino

Right Choice?
Daniel and Eileen Sheldon stumbled across quite a glitch in 
the River City Casino computer system while tracking their casino rewards via their myChoice card. They figured out that they could download unearned winnings and then simply withdraw the ill-gotten cash from their account.

During a three month period late in 2014, the pair allegedly downloaded false winnings from their myChoice card more than four thousand times!

That is a big number!

The total take was some $320,000.

The wife told police that she discovered the glitch in the River City Casino computer system quite by accident. Then she told her hubby and the pair decided to have a big myChoice party at the St. Louis casino. How exactly they were discovered has not been revealed, though there was sufficient evidence to charge both with crimes, each with significant bail bonds of $100,000.

My take: Although this type of computer-glitch-discovery-turned-into-illicit- profits is quite common across the financial world, it seems to occur more often in casinos than in banks or other institutions that deal with cash.


Your guess is as good as mine.