
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Is 3-time WSOP champ Brian Hastings an online poker cheat?

Big-Time Poker Cheat?
We have been hearing mounting evidence to support this since 2007, and it's not going away. Back in 2009, Hastings was accused of online poker-cheating collusion on the Full Tilt website along with Cole South, but Full Tilt decided that none of its regulations were broken, so no one was canned from the site.

However, this finding did not take the heat away from Hastings on poker-chat forums and information sites like Two Plus Two. Then in 2010, Hastings and South teamed up again against several well-known high-stakes online poker players, where accusations continued flying against the two even when they lost. Hastings then became part of Poker After Dark, along with Phil Ivey, who by now must be suspected of cheating or dishonesty in any event concerning gambling that he engages in.

I have always thought these live-action poker TV shows were bullshit and that no money was really changing hands. I still believe they are nothing more than publicity gigs with the players deciding by themselves how all the money gets be cut-up. So given all this, I am convinced that the latest allegations, that Brian Hastings is a multi-accounting cheater in big-stakes online poker games are true, and that this guy is out to cheat the online-poker with reckless abandon. So watch out for him and his multi-accounts...they're all out to get you!