
Monday, November 24, 2014

Poker-Collusion Down at World Series Events?

Actually, it is. The reason for this is due to the sheer huge numbers of participants in the events, especially the main-event championship. Back in the day when there were only a few hundred, or even a few thousand in the main event, it paid off for the poker-colluding tournament cheat-syndicates to team up against the rest of the field. This was extremely prevalent during the `90s when many of the same players were ending up at far too many final tables to be believed naturally. But today, even with perfect colluding, it is very difficult to get a player to a final table, no matter how many chip-dumps his colluding-team can manage

If you go back and take a look at the results in the early and mid ´90s, you will see what I mean. There were often two-time and three-time event-winners a few years running. Even though you might chalk this up to the much lesser amount of entrants in the events, I assure you that these happenings defied probability to the very core of its definition. 

I wrote about this extensively in my book "Dirty Poker." I changed the names of the tournaments and did not name the top players who I felt were involved in the collusion, but if you read in between the lines and the facts I laid out, you can figured out which players I intimated were involved in the WSOP collusion-cheating syndicates, most of whom are still very active in the WSOP today.