
Sunday, May 04, 2014

Ben Affleck Banned for Life For Card-Counting in Vegas!

Well, we all know that Ben Affleck has been around poker and blackjack in both real casinos and silver-screen ones, but now he is a persona non-grata in Las Vegas, at least in the Hardrock Hotel and Casino. Accused of winning $800,000 by counting down the cards at blackjack tables, a form of what is known in the gaming industry as advantage-play, Affleck was escorted out of the casino and driven to his hotel in a limo. And after he was banned from the Hardrock casino, intercasino surveillance and security put out the word to watch out for Affleck and his blackjack skills. I wonder if Kevin Spacy, who starred in the card-counting epic film "21", will be the next super-celebrity rooted out of a casino for card-counting and advantage play. Not that this has anything to do it with it, but Affleck was the star in the film "Runner Runner" which depicted online poker cheats. My take: Who knows? Maybe I will be getting a call from Ben Affleck to sign up for my casino-cheating team!!!