
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Undetectable Loaded Dice in use on Casino Craps Tables?

There have been reports of professional casino cheat teams working craps tables with a new brand of loaded dice that are supposedly extremely difficult to detect. The reports are coming from US midwestern casinos, mainly those in Detroit. While I have no specific evidence of this, the claims say that the boxmen you see habitually examining the dice in play cannot notice these slightly weighed dice on peripheral inspection, which, of course, would be enough for the dice cheats to successfully work craps tables.

As far as switching in loaded dice and removing the originals is concerned, that in itself is not too difficult for those skilled in slight of hand and deversionary tactics. But the question is really whether these dice can pass eveb the perfunctory examination that boxmen routinely give dice, especially when they jettison from the table. My opinion on this is that it is surely possible that with the improved technology seen in all types of casino and poker cheating these days, some new gaffed dice would be effective and pass inspection at the craps tables, but it would be nearly impossible for loaded dice to pass for legitimate dice when really put to the test once they´re taken off the table.

I will have more on this in the months to come.