
Thursday, October 10, 2013

"We're Not in Las Vegas, Lucky For You,"....

...Common Pleas Judge Daniel T. Hogan told Mohamed Waes after Waes copped a guilty plea to one count of pastposting chips on a Hollywood Casino mini-baccarat table. All told, Waes had been charged with several felonies for his pastposts that totalled a mere $400, and the judge sentenced him to nine days in the county jail with a year of probation. Well, what I like about this case is the judge's remark about not being in Vegas. Even though it struck me as funny, the words are pretty damn right-on! Had Waes tried his pastposting/cheating luck in Vegas and got caught, he probably would've been sentecned to a year behind bars for his trouble. So, am I saying it's better to cheat in Ohio than in Las Vegas? Well, yes, if you're main objective is to avoid prison. But if you want to make any money, serious money that is, you're gonna have to go to Vegas or some other higher-stakes area and risk the consequences if you get caught!