
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Woman Rapid Roulette Dealer Sentenced For Cheating in New Zealand Casino

Source: 3 News NZ
A dealer at SkyCity Hamilton casino has been sentenced to 18 months' home detention for cheating.
Bo Du, 33, who had worked at the casino for six years, was also ordered to pay reparation of $20,000 when she appeared in Hamilton District Court today.
She had earlier pleaded guilty to obtaining, with two casino patrons, $52,000 by deception and of accepting an illegal gratuity. Her two associates have been similarly charged and are being dealt with separately, the Department of Internal Affairs says.
The department was called in after the casino discovered irregularities around its rapid roulette table game. Gambling inspectors found that Du had illegally obtained $52,000 by manipulating the game. Du had also received a one-off payment of $15,000 from a SkyCity Hamilton patron, in breach of the Gambling Act.
"Du's sentence underlines the seriousness of the offending. Members of the public should be able to expect that all casino gambling is operated responsibly and with the highest integrity," Internal Affairs casino compliance manager Rob Abbott said in a statement.
"It is our job as the regulator to ensure that SkyCity has systems in place to detect and deal with any criminal behaviour on the part of their employees. In this case the casino's systems detected the offending and enabled us to bring this court action."
Du's conviction means she's banned from working in casinos again.
My take: Article doesn't say anything about how Du and her cohorts pulled off this scam. It had to be something good, or at least cool!