
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lance Armstrong Wins World Series of Poker Main Event!!!

Wow! Imagine this scenario: Lance Armstrong hits a royal flush on the river and wins the BIG ONE! Would you think he did it legitimately or did super cheat Lance somehow pull a poker cheat move to take home the bracelet and the booty?

Well, I know what I´d think! Why am I writing about Lance Armstrong on my poker cheat and casino cheat blog? Because his dastardly acts cerainly deserve mention, and as poker is considered a sport by the international media, and as many professional athletes play in the World Series of Poker, there is a definite connection between poker cheating and cycling cheating.

But what I really want to say is that Lance Armstrong is the biggest cheat and fraud in sports history. He is worse than Russ Hamilton, the demonic figure who bilked tens of millions from online poker players in the UltimateBet poker cheat scandal. He is far worse than Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa. Why? Because those three steroid-shamed baseball players were likely Hall of Fame ballplayers before they turned to steroids, certainly Bonds and Clemens were. But Armstrong, who won seven Tour de France cycling competitions in a row, probably would have not only failed to win a single one but as well may have gone literally unheard of on the cycling circuit, if he even qualified to enter a race.

So with this in mind, I really don't care how Lance Armstrong comes clean tonight on Oprah winfrey`s show.   He has lied and cheated for more than a decade, threatened and bullied anyone who dared expose him, and for sure is only coming clean for his own benefit to get himself reinstated in triatholon competitions or whatever. He is not doing this because he`s truly sorry for his cheats and lies.

So if you ever have the misfortune of seeing Lance Armstrong at the poker table, simply pay him your disrespect by getting up and walking away.