
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

International Pastposter Casino Cheat Goes Down in the UK

An international casino fraudster has been found guilty of cheating at a Piccadilly casino. Jafer Jannati, 57, was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months, and banned from entering any licensed gaming venue in the country. He was performing an illegal “Top Hat” move during a game of Roulette in the Golden Nugget Casino in Shaftesbury Avenue. Detectives from the Metropolitan Police’s gaming unit discovered he had placed chips on a winning number after the ball had dropped into the wheel in November last year. The move won Mr Jannati £490 but his luck soon ran out. He was recognised and arrested at another London casino two weeks later.

Police said Mr Jannati, from Acton, is known to have at least one previous conviction, for card-swapping in Switzerland in 2008. DI Ann-Marie Waller, from the gaming unit, said: “Jannati is a regular cheat who is known to have frequented casinos around the world. “We are committed to keeping casinos in London free of cheats, and I am pleased we have brought him to justice.”

My take: Well, this guy may have cheated his way through European casinos during recent years but he hardly strikes me as a top-gtier casino cheat. But heck, if you're gonnna take a shot at cheating casinos and your not that good, the UK is not a bad place to ply your trade as the penalties for casino cheating a quite light. Had Mr. Jannati been caught with his act in the US, he'd be sentenced to a few years of real prison time.

Also, don't you get a kick out of the British way of saying "top-hatting" for pastposting! I do.