
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Poker Pros Fleeing the US For Fear of Online Poker Cheat Allegations!

Online Poker Cheat Bonomo
A bunch of US based poker pros who are citizens have been getting out of "Dodge", which in this case is the United States of America. Some notables who have recently fled are Mike Brooks, Phil Galfond, Jon Agular, and Vanessa Selbst. They have all given reasons such as "looking for work" but is this not a cover to avoid problems and even possible prosecution by the US Department of Justice over online cheating accusations?

Ask Haseeb Qureshi and Dan "jungleman12" Cates, who have also vacated the US since the recent online-cheat scandals they’ve been accused of participating in. Maybe they'll receive some permanent ID changes including cosmetic surgery so that they may pay live poker again.

Or ask Justin Bonomo, a well-known poker pro and accused online poker cheat. He has just left the US for the destination of Malta!...which, I might add, has quite a few online poker rooms based there. Bonomo says he's moving there for its key location close to various European brick and mortar poker tournaments.

What do I think? Come on, Justin, you're running from the online poker judges!!!