
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Labor Day Poker Cheats and Casino Cheats Labor Laboriously on Labor Day!

Yeah, sounds like a tongue-twister but nevertheless it's true. When I was in my prime cheating casinos and poker games, Labor Day Weekend was always one of the prime times to cheat the casinos. I spent practically every Labor Day Weekend from 1979 to 2000 working Atlantic City, whose Boardwalk is filled to the gills and swelling with end-of-summer gamblers...and cheats! I never failed to go home with less than twenty grand profit for the weekend.

Even now, I see, Atlantic City is more popular than Las Vegas among the casino and poker cheating community. I have heard that the AC casinos were hit hard, especially the Borgata which was victimized by blackjack pastposters and organized poker cheating collusion teams. One of the elements that make Atlantic City so good for cheating during summer holiday weekends is the mass crowding on the Boardwalk, which allows for casinos cheats taking heat inside the casino to get out quickly through back doors and onto the Boardwalk where they can disaappear immediately in the throng.

Remember, when cheating casinos and poker rooms, the most important logistical element inside is the best door for escape!