
Friday, August 19, 2011

Acclaimed Blackjack Dealer Busted in Holland Casino For Ripping Off Tables For Millions Using South African Cup Scam!

I hardly believe this is true, but it's in print all over the Internet. For a description of the ol' South African Cup Scam, go here.


An internationally acclaimed award winning blackjack dealer arrested for stealing millions from casino. Mr. Hon-Kee ‘Honky’ Man, 36, has been an internationally acclaimed blackjack card games dealer for close to a decade, winning the coveted Blackjack Croupier of the Year for the past three years in a row.

This year, Honky was a favorite with the Black Jack Tournament judges and practically had the unprecedented 4 year winning streak in his pocked had it not been for his unexpected arrest for cheating Holland Casino out of millions of dollars.

The talented roulette and blackjack dealer, who last year impressed international blackjack awards judges with his ‘amazing techniques behind the blackjack table’ got fired from the casino and arrested for a different kind of amazing technique behind the blackjack table.

For the past month, Holland Casino has been keeping a close eye on Honky, after a trainee blackjack dealer who idolized Honky and often observed him out of the corner of his eyes, witnessed Honky colluding with players and frequently overpaying winning bets by thousands of dollars using ‘sleight of hand’ techniques.

Reports put Holland Casino’s overall losses at over a million and the casino has been reviewing old security tapes to detect when the cheating has begun. Since becoming a superstar, Honky was not observed as frequently by casino security as he should have. It is the casino security, whose laxity may be partially to blame for the scheme not being uncovered sooner.

The arrest came about immediately after Honky Man was observed using a hollow device resembling a thimble painted to resemble a stack of 5 euro chips. Inside this hollow thimble, hundred euro chips were allegedly secreted by Honky M and passed to his accomplice.

Both Honky Man as well as his unnamed accomplice was arrested in the middle of the shift as a warning to all employees that the eye in the sky is always watching.

In an interesting turn of events, a police source close to the investigation revealed that Honky Man is allegedly a member of the powerful Sun Yee On Triad, the largest international Chinese Mafia sect in the world, numbering over 40,000 members and a half million associates.

Since his arrest, the best blackjack dealer in the world has been silent and very little information is available about the ongoing investigation into the Chinese mafia’s infiltration of Holland Casino.