
Monday, April 04, 2011

Dealer and Six Cohorts Busted For Cheating Canadian Casino--Another Inside Casino Cheating Scam!

This time it's the Gold Eagle casino in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, and by looking at the photo of the place, you can see it's a barn at best. Anyhow, seven people are charged with cheating at gambling, although no details of the scam have been released. It appears to be a blackjack scam, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police say the arrests of this "Canadian Seven" is the result of a two year investigation--but don't be fooled by that; how much money could anyone get out of this barn even over a two-year period? We do know, however, the amount cheated out of the casino surpasses $5,000, stated by the felony charges agaisnt the accused. The dealer and his cheating buddies have been banned from all Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority casinos. When I get more on this I will pass it on.