
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Dealer in Singapore's Resorts World Casino Cheats it Out of More Than $100 K!

cheating hottie!
Another story of how oceans of casino cheats are preying upon Singapore's two casinos--from the inside, outside...and just about everywhere. How inept can Singapore's casino surveillance departments be?


The daughter of a famous actor has been sentenced to twenty one months in jail after stealing $110,400 worth of chips while working as a croupier at a casino.

Chiu Yee-Fong, 30, daughter of famous Taiwanese actor Chiu Yong Qin, (pictured right), was working as a croupier at Singapore’s Resorts World Sentosa Casino, where she squirreled away the vast amount of $100 to $1,000 chips between 28th September to 7th November, 2010.

Over a month period, Chiu Yee-Fong would take chips from her float and later discreetly hand them over to her boyfriend to cash, telling him they were her tips from customers. Most of the money she then deposited in her DBS savings account, although $11,100 in chips were also discovered at her dormitory in Toa Payoh.

Chiu Yee-Fon managed to get away with the continual theft until one day a fellow croupier noticed a chip on her chair during one of her breaks, and a later examination of CCTV footage then showed she had placed chips into her blouse on no less than 144 occasions.

Following the revelation of his daughter’s casino theft, Mr Chiu, also an actor, said that over the past few months she was having problems adapting to life in Singapore and that restitution would be made to the casino. Commenting on the matter, Mr Chiu said:

“Now that it has happened, we must face the facts and take responsibility for it. We will return the money that was stolen, it doesn’t belong to us after all…Normally, the time I spend with her is quite little. Here I am probably to blame,”

Subsequently, police were able to recover $96,157 from her with her parents paying back the outstanding $14,243 to the Resorts World Sentosa Casino.

After she received the 21 month sentence in court on Tuesday, Chiu Yee-Fong was reduced to tears and wept to her parents that she wanted to go home.

Despite her sentence, things could certainly have been worse for the famous actor’s daughter, as she could have received up to 15 years in jail and/or fined up to $150,000 for criminal breach of trust.

My take: Man, if HER looks could kill! This really goes to show how weak surveillance departments are in Singapore. I also get the feeling that this little Asian hottie was in it just for the thrills! Now she'll have to chill out awhile.