
Monday, February 28, 2011

Two Roulette Computer Sellers Are Cheats and Frauds

Here is an email that I received from Mark Anthony Howe, who hawks roulette computers online that will not make you any money.

"Take a look at

Look at the video on the home page that you come too.

Then watch the video, note the number under the 8 oclock postion when Hourmouzis releases the ball, he is simply placing where he wants the ball to go!

This is common dealer signature, but he does not reveal this, but instead pretends he has a special magic pattern system or that his roulette computers are effective, thought you might like to see how dealers with just 30 minutes training can also do this little trick! I was the only one to spot this fraudster!"

I tried to look at the video but the link Howe sent me was broken. In any event, what he says, whether it be true or not, doesn't really matter because not only is Hourmouzis a fraud--Howe is a BIGGER fraud. Avoid both these guys and their roulette computers like the plague!