
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Isle of Man is New Haven for Online Poker Companies...What is it Doing to Protect Players Against Organized Online Poker Cheating?

These days more and more online poker and casino companies are opeating out of the Isle of Man, off the coast of England, being drawn there by tax incentives offered by the island's authorities. However, questions have arisen as to the integrity of the island's online gaming services, especially in regards to online poker cheating scandals.

Some serious UK online poker players crusading against cheating, especially online collusion and bot-use to cheat honest players, have travelled to the Isle of Man to personally confront government administrators in charge of the Isle of Man's online poker legislation. In light of the recent online poker cheat bot scandal in China, these players have become very worried about large scale online poker cheating.

Steve Brennan, Director of Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission, said in response to these worries: "We try to stay one step ahead with the tracking systems to spot the patterns that would lead to collusion. We have the technology to stop them. I don't believe there is a problem with online cheats. There are always going to be some issues but they can be detected and dealt with."

My take: Can't really separate the Isle of Man Commission from any other online gaming commission, so I simply say, Let's wait and see what if any major scandals hit online poker sites operating in the Isle of Man.