
Thursday, November 11, 2010

FOX NEWS wanted my opinion on TV's "Wheel Of Fortune" Wonderwoman...So I Gave it To Them.

The other day I received an email from Fox News reporter Meaghan Murphy asking my opinion on whether or not Caitlin Burke, the young woman who amazingly solved the "Wheel of Fortune" puzzle with just one letter, somehow cheated. I told Ms. Murphy, "Of course she did!"

Here's the article Ms. Murphy wrote for Fox News

The Wheel Of Fortune contestant who stunned the world by solving a puzzle with just one letter has laughed off suggestions she cheated.

Caitlin Burke picked the seven-word, 27-letter phrase — "I've got a good feeling about this" — after selecting a lone letter "L".

US show host Pat Sajak was stunned, asking whether it was "the most amazing solve we've ever had". Viewers were also shocked. The video of Ms Burke's freakish effort spread quickly across the internet after airing last Friday.

But as online debate raged as to whether it was too good to be true, one expert has suggested the 26-year-old contestant had an unfair advantage.

"I think she cheated with help from someone on the inside who simply gave her the information beforehand," FOX411 reported professional casino cheating expert Richard Marcus as saying. What I can tell you is that the spinning of the wheel had nothing to do with it, nor was this a similar scam to what happened a few times on the show Who Wants to be a Millionaire? where contestants were getting help from the audience."

Ms Burke maintains she won her $900 prize and Caribbean holiday fairly and squarely.

"For those who think I cheated, I say, 'How?' I don’t understand," Ms Burke was quoted as responding. "I would love to know how people think I cheated at that game — like what, I had it written on my hand? How would I even know it would be a puzzle? Or what, I snuck backstage? I don’t even know how that stuff works. I mean, if I was cheating, I probably would have cheated in a smarter way and rigged the wheel so I made more money.”

The New York resident was even happy to give future hopefuls some tips.

"If you look at the end of a word and understand how letter endings work, you can work from there," she was quoted as saying. "For example, if there’s an 'N' in a word, there’s usually a 'G'. If there’s a three-letter word, it's probably 'T-H-E' — things like that." Common sense is underrated — you can really solve a lot by understanding the way words are formed."

My take: Well, common sense may be underrated but cheating is even MORE underrated!!!