
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why Can't Aussies Figure Out Why Their Casinos Have Such a High Cheat Rate?

Well, it comes down to two reasons. The first is that they hire magicians instead of real knowledgeable people to wise them up in the areas of game- and slot-machine protection. Apparently casino officials down under still believe that magicians calling themselves game protection consultants really know something about cheating casinos. I have been telling casino people for years that magic has nothing to do with real casino cheating. But unfortunately these people fall in love with magicians' card tricks and hire them to protect their casinos from card-counters and cheats.

The second reason Australia's casinos are constantly being bombed by a variety of cheats is that there penalties upon casino-cheating convictions are very light. Whereas in the US organized casino cheats can get a decade behind bars, those caught down under rarely receive more than a three-figure fine. If the casinos are going to continue slapping the wrists of cheaters, they will be back as soon as the sting wears off, which is pretty quick.

This article in Gambling911 sums up pretty well what is going on in Australia's casinos:
"Down under in Australia, land of the convicts, seems some of those criminal tendencies keep coming to the surface at land based casinos and pubs. As the "Friendly Casino War" continues between James Packer owned Crown Casino in Melbourne and Star City in Sydney, its seems apparent that Sin City's Star have more of a cheating clientele, or at least that's what the official numbers are showing. Media Man and Gambling911 put on our private detective coats and load up the plastic handcuffs and batons with this special report.

Aussie's seem to have quite the cheating casino type make up according to information obtained by Media Man. Just as compulsive gambling may be in the genes as recently reported by Gambling911, so might be cheating and straight out stealing. The number of cheaters at Sydney's Star City Casino is alarming, and that's only the ones we know about.

Fines are being handed out left, right and centre, yet cheaters keep coming back for more. This may be linked to the face that Star City is Sydney's only land based casino, mind you, a $100 or so plane ticked will fly a punter down to Melbourne so they can try their luck at Crown Casino.
Fines issued to punters at Star are almost an every day occurrences we've learned. Cheats are trying every trick in the book, both old and new. Favorites include moving chips to winning numbers, underage teenagers showing fake IDs and banned patrons trying to worm into the casino.

Infringements at the Star volcanoed roughly 70% circa 2007-08, and this punting financial year is expected to further escalate. Cheaters caught totals 23 mongrel mug punters. The casino itself is not off the hook either. Tabcorp, the parent company of Star, has had its knuckles dusted by the casino regulator at least 4 times this punting year for breaches re responsible gaming requirements. Minors being located in gaming areas like slots, table games and the big wheel, are a major problem.

A source choosing to remain anonymous leaked "We understand the teens seem to like the Hollywood themed games and some of them see themselves at James Bond 007 types. Most of them also seem to know about Monopoly, Cleopatra, Queen Of The Nile, and of course poker. Gambling, gaming and poker is always in the news, the TV, the newspapers, magazines, associated with sports, so its just everywhere".

Media Man via News Limited secured figures that show that nine months to March 31 this year, 51 underage teens were busted trying to enter the casino using phony IDs.

Casino Penalties From Gaming Enforcer
20 breaches of responsible gaming rules, including:
* Teenage girl used fake ID to successfully get into the casino and busted drinking and gambling;
* Casino staff member who didn't immediately report a minor to a casino authority inspector;
* 17-year-old young bloke busted gambling on the premises; and
* 13 more kids, all aged under 14, busted in the casino area, however its understood it was accidental.

Star City's spokesman (casino) advised staff are being trained up to spot tech in fake IDs, which made up about 40% of the fines issued.

Sydney leading newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, reveled last week, there is a sophisticated operation run by teenagers that alters driver's licences for $80. It' a bit hit with teens who like casinos and exclusive clubs. Star City said the number of teens caught with fake IDs was fairly steady. They are reviewing its procedures and security staff were being trained to better identify phony cards.

A Star City spokesman "We review all breaches to see how we can improve our procedures to prevent minors gaining access to licensed areas. The numbers have remained pretty steady over the last few years but our security officers are constantly being trained to detect the latest style of fake IDs."

Daring excluded persons caught sneaking back into the casino rose significantly to 55. Anyone busted using a fake ID is fined $110, banned persons $550 and cheats $660.

Media Man is not a legal advisory service, but recommends Do We Cheatem & How. Just kidding!

Casino lovers, young and old, please obey the law. God knows we have enough serious casino crime to cover already, without listing you by name.
The rumour mill says Tony Clifton and Andy Kaufman are considering doing some jokes about casino cheats, so if you what to make the list, you know what it entails.