
Monday, March 01, 2010

More Comments on Doyle Brunson as a Poker Cheat...But This Time it's in Brunson's Defense!

Rumors about legendary poker player Doyle Brunson being a cheat at poker have been circulating not for years but rather for decades. A well known cash player named Dusty Schmidt who also runs the poker instructional website Drag the Bar had called Brunson a poker cheat, that according to a poster on the 2+2 Forum named Shortbutsosweet who wrote, "Last I heard of him (Schmidt), he was calling Brunson out for cheating Andy Beal out of money. HAHAHHAHA is all I can say about him saying anything about what his thoughts on Brunson poker are all about. Also would love to see this guy take his roll and his mouth to Bobby's room for about a week. Lets see how long that 57 month winning streak could go then. Just saying maybe its time to take a step off that high high horse you ride. Something should start to click about the time Doyle Brunson is calling you out in his blogs."

According to Schmidt, he has never called Doyle Brunson a cheater and doesn't believe that he is one. Schmidt claims Shortbutsosweet had misinterpreted one of his blog posts from two weeks ago where he says he called Brunson the best poker player in the world. Schmidt now says that he has tremendous respect for Brunson as both a human being and poker player. He then goes on to say that "Doyle absolutely never told me to come to Bobby’s room and come play him (whatever this means). Doyle said that he would welcome any action from some of the young internet players who thought they were so great..."

My take: Well, this effusion of respect for Brunson makes me think that Dusty Schmidt is full of dusty shit! Come on, even if Doyle Brunson never cheated a penny out of a penny-ante poker game, can you really believe that? Schmidt more than likely has some ulterior motive for such ebullient praise for Brunson.