
Saturday, March 06, 2010

Beware of Facebook Poker Cheat Scam!


It seems one of the apparent latest scams going on is for people to open a Facebook account, or an account on a similar social Networking site, and in the guise of being a very well known poker pro. Then the scam begin and when these poker pro players start asking for money transfers between poker sites, or even a small loan, or for you to receive a piece of their winning action. First of all we are under the impression that no legitimate poker pro would ask for money from other online poker players as these matters are held in private and are usually held within a very small group of trusted associates. No matter how legitimate the person appears to be, or how enticing offer they might make to you, make sure you always protect yourself and your precious money. No way should you give anyone person or player instant poker credibility simply because of a name or a picture appears on a social networking site.

How serious has this scam gotten. Well one player reports that he has been friends with no less than twelve (12) Daniel Negreanu’s and another company has reported where the offender posed as the highly respected poker Pro Willie Tann, and other messages from “Mike matusow” in the past about buying a piece of his action in the Sunday Poker Tournaments. All need to keep in mind; it only takes a few minutes and a quick stop at Wikipedia for a person to create a bogus Facebook account. Don’t let yourself be fooled by these scammers. If you want to take a look at a poker site on Facebook look for Poker Host and they are very legit and will answer any and all of your question as they really understand online poker players and the poker community on the Internet.