
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Any Truth to News of First RFID-Aided Casino Cheat Bust?

Supposedly, and I mean supposedly, a professional roulette pastposting team suffered a cheating bust at the Wynn Casino in Las Vegas when a $1,000 chip tagged with an inner RFID chip alerted the dealer to their pastpost move. The way it was to have gone down was that one member of the team, after number 32 came out, slipped the $1,000 chip underneath a $100 on the 3rd-Dozen bet at the bottom of the layout that pays 2 to 1. The cheat team was looking to get paid $2,200 instead of the $200 the original legitimate $100 bet was owed. The dealer was instantly notified of the pastpost when his screen beeped at the sudden late presence of the $1,000 chip, and the roulette team ignorant of RFID technology was caught and its claimer (the person who claims the pastposted bet) arrested.

This was reported to me by three different e-mails from people who are not my sources. The fact that there has been no official documentation or news articles about this "major" incident makes me think it is untrue. I mean, after all, had there been a professional casino cheat team busted because of RFID technologoy, you would think the casino related newswires on the Internet would be buzzing with this, pushed heavily by those in the business of marketing RFID technology to casinos.

In fact, I have not even heard of a roulette team or any of its members being busted at the Wynn in recent times. So, again, I don't believe it happened.

My advice to all you casino cheats out there concerning RFID chips is still the same: Don't worry about them. RFID remains a non-entity as far as casino cheating goes.