
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Early Reports of Massive Casino Cheating in Singapore's New Casino!

The giant Resorts World Sentosa Casino has barely been open for 72 hours and already I am getting reports of hordes of professional casino cheating teams going thru the casino the way the Allies went through Normandy in 1944. This D-Day-style attack on the Resorts World Casino is seeing top-notch pro cheat-teams from Italy, France, Germany, Russia, and of course the US, which among these casino-cheating allies are the best. Most of this first assault wave of casino cheating is pastposting and bet-switching, the latter occurring on the casino's dice tables. I have not gotten word on any inside false-shuffle baccarat scams, but don't worry, they will be coming, probably at a pace that rivals Macau.

Of course the world's best card-counting and advantage play teams have joined the feast, working over the blackjack and baccarat tables.

Funny, but the casino itself is admitting to nothing of the kind going on. According to press releases from Resorts World Sentosa and independent Singaporean news articles, the main casino cheating problem is just people breaking the law simply to get into the casino. There have been underage people using phony IDs to get in. But a bigger entrance problem is for the native Sinaporeans who, unlike foreigners allowed to enter free, have to pay SD$100 to gain entry for a single day, which is roughly $71 US dollars. This must be the highest casino entry fee in the world! Imagine paying seventy bucks to enter a goddam casino! The yearly fee to Singaporeans is a whopping SD$2,000, that's $1,420 US. There should be a huge outcry over this...better yet, a revolution!!!

I also heard that one angry loser in the casino, apparently a Singaporean who may have also been upset with the entry fee, was later arrested at the airport for stealing communications equipment from a passenger in transit.

My take: This casino is going to get KILLED by the cheats. The professional teams will run over the tables and the rookie surveillance crew, despite its state-of-the-art video technology, have no chance in hell of stopping the invasion, or even slowing it. The same thing will occur when Singapore's second monster casino, the Sands Marina Bay, opens up later this year. When new casino areas open, the casino-cheat shelling usually lasts a year before the casinos start to learn how to defend themselves. No new casino area will ever take the "welcome-to-the-casino-cheat" shellacking that Atlantic City did when it opened up in 1978.That bombardment, of which I was an integral part, lasted a good six years!