
Saturday, January 30, 2010 Trying Anything and Everything To Get Giant Online Poker Cheat Scandal Out of Players' Minds!

Ever since respected and notable poker pro Joe Sebok signed on as (formerly public relations specialist, the online poker cheat tainted room has been beefing up its public relations drives to get the public on board its new ship and to distance it from the old one it hopes has sunk underwater, the UltimateBet cheat ship with Russ Hamilton in the wheelhouse. is now sponsoring special freerolls with prizes such as getting to skydive with Sebok himself and other outdoor fresh-air events, (kind of gets the stink out of the cheating scam!) In an interview with, Sebok responded to the question: "Tell us about how the process of distributing hand histories relating to the Russ Hamilton-led cheating scandal is going," with:

"It’s going well. In my recent blog, I asked people to get in touch with me with any issues. I probably had around 15 to 20 people do so. The bigger hand history orders, which mainly belong pros, are still being compiled. The main thing for people to understand is that UB had to pick a formula. It was all of the money you won versus cheating accounts minus money lost versus cheating accounts and if it was negative, we gave it back. Some people are angry with that formula and some are grateful. You have to pick a way to go and be consistent. Some will be stoked to get a refund and some won’t be.

The main thing I try to get people to understand is that everyone thinks I’m lying to them or won’t help. It’s just not true. Ever since I signed, I’ve spent a ton of time on this. People need to understand that I’m on their side. I’m trying to make things better and make sure we get this information out."

It all sounds good to me...unless the chute doesn't open!!!