
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Full Tilt Statement Claims Online Poker Site Has Software That Can Detect Bots BEFORE They Play!

Do I believe it? NO! But here's their statement:

Full Tilt Poker is a multi-million dollar Online Poker Room, one of the largest in the world. Poker players from all over sit down at the tables to play a few hands at all hours of the day, bringing many players to the tables who would otherwise be unable to participate in poker on a large scale. It is not uncommon for accusations to fly regarding cheating through these sites, and Full Tilt was a recent victim of such an allegation.

Recently, at Full Tilt, two players were recently banned from the poker room, forfeiting winnings of over $50,000 dollars. They had decided to bring a civil suit against Full Tilt, claiming that Full Tilt operates "poker robots" to play the game at a level of skill and logic that a human may not be able to emulate. The duo sought $80,000 dollars in damages, and filed the claim in California to recover said damages. Full Tilt had been quiet, but just days ago they released a statement.
“Full Tilt Poker has been made aware of the recent filing of a baseless lawsuit by former Full Tilt Poker customers - Ms. Lary Kennedy and Mr. Greg Omotoy. Both of these player accounts were appropriately terminated for multiple violations of the express terms and conditions governing fair and lawful play in the Full Tilt Poker online virtual cardroom, including their own admissions of using multiple accounts," was how they began.

Full Tilt went on to say that the claims have "no merit," are "false assertions," and that they will "remain committed to protecting their players from anything that might compromise the integrity of its [Full Tilt's] games."

Full Tilt was designed by poker players, for poker players, and they take a very severe stance against all forms of cheating and collusion. Just read a Review of Full Tilt Poker Room and you will see why thousands of players find this site to be safe and secure. Full Tilt also claims that they have software that will detect bots before they can even begin to play, but the matter will not come to a head until both party's attorneys sit down and delve further into the issue. The situation is undoubtedly going to explode, potentially harming the hope for completely legal Internet Poker.