
Monday, October 12, 2009

2006 WSOP Champ and Accused Cheat Jamie Gold Sued Again!

Remember 2006 WSOP Main Event winner Jamie Gold? The erstwhile Hollywood talent scout bartered his way into that year’s tourney as part of a deal with online site Bodog in which he agreed to find celebrity personalities for Bodog to sponsor. Following a lengthy legal battle, Gold had to split his winnings with Bruce Crispin Leyser after it was disclosed that the two joined forces in helping secure celebrities for the event. It’s possible that Leyser wasn’t the only one Gold promised a share of his possible winnings to in exchange for assistance, as LA event promoter Francis Dellavechia recently filed a suit against Gold, alleging a promise from Gold for 1 percent of his winnings, equal to $120,000 from Gold’s record $12 million winner’s payday. No court hearings have been held in the matter to date.