
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tran Organization Biggest Casino Cheat Dealer Charged by Feds For Ripping Off Baccarat Game For a Cool $1 Million!

Not only are the Tran Organization baccarat cheat busts continuing to keep pace with the plea deals and sentencings in the huge international casino cheat case, they're getting bigger! As more than 30 cheating dealers, supervisors and players have already been charged, with many of their cases already adjudicated, now the scam's biggest victim, the Resorts East Chicago Casino in Indiana, is getting the satisfaction of seeing its Numero-Uno cheat dealer, Michael Waseleski, charged by federal prosecutors with several gaming crimes. Waseleski is charged with helping a clan of Tran Org. baccarat and blackjack cheats win more than $1 million by rigging games. The conspiracy charges against Michael Waseleski allege that while he was a dealer at Resorts East Chicago Casino, he was trained by the gamblers in how to perform a false shuffle of card decks. Those players won the money there in the summer of 2005.

Authorities say 31 people have pleaded guilty to charges in the rigged games, which were also carried out in Canada and six other states. The scheme involved bribes to casino supervisors and dealers during blackjack and mini baccarat and use of unshuffled cards.

When will these Tran busts stop! PLEASE!!!