
Friday, September 04, 2009

Labor Day Greetings To Poker Cheats, Casino Cheats and Poker and Casino Cheatcatchers!

Labor Day is an American National Holiday for all labor, right? So poker cheating and casino cheating is hard labor like anything else, as is catching poker and casino cheats. Therefore, I salute all of you cheats out there, especially those of American extraction. And for those of you poker and casino cheats and cheatcatchers who are not American, let me know when your national labor holiday is and I will salute you too!

Meanwhile, in the US, Labor Day weekend is a major work weekend for poker and casino cheats working American casinos. That Labor Day always falls on a Monday, gives the cheats an extra day of weekend work to rip off the poker rooms and casinos. If you're curious, the biggest holiday and holiday-weekend poker and casino cheat festivals ranked in order are:

1) New Year's Eve (by far) My teams have made more in that single night than any holiday weekend.
2) July 4th. We light the fireworks INSIDE the casinos.
3) Labor Day Weekend.
4) Memorial Day Weekend. (another extra day as it's always on a Monday)
5) Christmas Day. (Might be surprised at this, eh?)
6) Thanksgiving Day. The cheats say their thanks inside the poker rooms and casinos, then have their turkey afterward!