
Monday, August 10, 2009

India's Casinos Cheated Again! This Time The Casino Cheats Are Cops! Unreal!

Casinos in India are beginning to look like Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut! It´s one casino cheat scam after another! And this time the guilty casino cheats are police officers! What's next?

Police sources said that the two policemen, in connivance with casino staff, would purchase chips at the Panaji Casino and play roulette. Instead of placing the chips in advance, however, they would place them once the roulette wheel was set in motion. This illegal move would be pointed out by the operator who would then pretend to remove all the chips. However, the operator would retain those chips placed on the highest denominators, ensuring that the constables would win. The loot was then shared by the gang. And like the Foxwoods craps cheat scam, this cheat scam was amateurish at best.

On Saturday, following a complaint lodged by the casino owner, police arrested constables Vinod Chapan and Nitin Gaonkar. While Chapan is attached to the Panaji Town police station, Gaonkar is posted at the Old Goa police station. The duo were caught cheating in the casino, along with their accomplice, one Maruti Banik, on CCTV.

Panaji police station in-charge, PI Sandesh Chondankar, said, "We have arrested two policemen, three hotel staff and an accomplice for cheating." The complaint, filed earlier by the casino's owner, stated that on three occasions he was cheated of a total of Rs 1.33 lakh by six staff members. Police also arrested Pawan Jaisingh, 25, a table operator in the casino, Imtiyaz Mohammad, 22, and Santan Monteiro, 25, a supervisor in the casino. They are on the lookout for three more casino employees. Though the casino owner hadn't named the policemen in his complaint, police found on inquiry that the two constables were part of the cheating racket.