
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Best Form of Slot Machine Cheating Ever!


Man takes sledgehammer to slot machine

A man was arrested on felony charges of burglary and vandalism after allegedly taking a sledgehammer to a slot machine at Thunder Valley Casino near Sacramento, California. According to a Sheriff’s Department report, Steve Eugene Shepherd, 56, entered the casino in a wheelchair at about 2:18 p.m. July 21 and headed straight to a slot machine. That’s where Shepherd produced a sledgehammer from behind his back and proceeded to strike the machine numerous times, smashing the face and severely damaging the machine, the report states.

“He rolled in right by buffet, did not play anything and immediately started going to town,” Casino Spokesman Doug Elmets said.

It didn’t take long for casino security to stop him and Sheriff’s deputies to arrest the man, officials said. Sheriff’s spokesman Dena Erwin said Shepherd surrendered without incident. According to an arrest report, Shepherd was read his Miranda rights but would only say, “I have nothing to say.” He let his hammer do the talking! LOL

Elmets said there was no evidence that the man was upset with the slot machine--an IGT Triple Butterfly Sevens--or the casino, despite the apparently singular focus. I find that hard to believe! He couldn´t have been too happy.

“There’s no record he’s been a previous customer at Thunder Valley,” Elmets said. “It’s something that was as shocking to the patrons as it was to the people that work there.” The incident was the second vandalism arrest in recent months at the casino. On June 28, law enforcement officials arrested Leopoldo Reyes Estrada Jr., 43, of Sacramento for allegedly repeatedly slicing the casino’s slot-machine chairs. He’s suspected of causing $800 in damage by using a razor blade pushed into a pencil eraser tucked behind his ear.

Elmets said committing a crime isn’t the wisest thing to do at the Lincoln-area casino, which boasts 1,000 security cameras and a security staff of 100. “It’s not the place that you want to commit any kind of crime,” he said. Although the report initially put the slot machine destruction at $5,000, Elmets said that the damage was more like $700.

I guess you might say that the slots at the Thunder Valley Casino are really taking a beating these days!!