
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Should I Write Poker Cheat or Casino Cheat Novel?

What do YOU think about me writing a poker cheating or casino cheats crime novel?

As most of you probably know, I have written four factual books during this decade about poker and casino cheating. "American Roulette" ("Great Casino Heist" in the UK and Europe) was my first book which of course is my personal memoirs as a casino and poker cheat. To read a little about that and my other books, you can see them here.

My last book "World's Greatest Gambling Scams" came out in the spring of 2007. Now, more than two years later, I am getting the itch to write again, but this time I would like to try my hand at fiction. I have been thinking of a good crime novel with poker and casino cheating woven into its plot. I would have corrupt dealers and casino owners, cheating gamblers and, of course, some juicy homicides. Naturally some of the cheating gambling part would borrow some of the best moments of my professional poker and casino cheating career, but the plot and characters in the book, which I am thinking of entitling "Deadly Dealer," will be completely fictitious and original.

The reason I'm posting this entry is to see what kind of market exists out there for me as a fiction writer. I don't want to deal with publishers anymore. I prefer publishing the novel myself and selling it directly from this website. I would price it at $10.95. If you would be interested in purchasing the book when it is finished, please drop me a note telling me. Remember, I am not selling the book now. I am only trying to get a feel if it's worthwhile for me to write it.

I would appreciate your response.
Thanks, Richard