
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Indian Casino Indicted For Cheating!!!

Wait! Don't get too excited reading this. I mean an Indian casino in India, not a reservation casino in the US. However, this is the first time in twenty years I've heard about any legitimate casino getting indicted for cheating. It happened in Goa, India...

Goa police’s crime branch on Friday registered case against a five star hotel’s casino management for failing to cough up Rs 1.25 crore to state tourism minister Fransisco Pacheco which he had won in gaming. The Crime Branch which is probing the case has filed first information report against staff and management of the in-house casino of Majorda Beach resort under section 420 read with 34 of Indian Penal Code.

The minister earlier had complained to the state police accusing the casino management of duping him to the tune of Rs 1.25 crore. The casino management, on the other hand, had alleged that the minister along with his aide had threatened to kill him. (Wow! This might make a good Bollywood movie!)

The state government had transferred the case to Crime branch, which is now investigating it. The FIR filed with the Crime Branch implicates that the accused persons who are staff and management of the in house casino at Majorda beach resort had fraudulently and dishonestly induced the complainant to play in the casino.

The minister had complained that he had won Rs 1.53 crore during his gaming from May 15 to May 22, 2009. He informed the police that the casino management had repaid him Rs 28 lakh. “They induced the complainant to purchase gaming coins with the promise to repay the prize money if the complainant wins,” the crime branch’s FIR reads.

Police Inspector S U Shirodkar, who is investigating the case, has said that the accused persons dishonestly failed to make available the payment of Rs 1.25 crore to the complainant, which he won as a prize money.