
Saturday, May 02, 2009

Woman Snagged As Casino Cheat Has To Reimburse Her Victim Casinos! What a Shame!

Lady casino cheat ordered to pay back her victim casinos $2,985!

Cheating at three- and four-card poker has proven costly for a senior who targetted River Rock Casino Resort, and two other casinos in Vancouver and Coquitlam.

May Mei Heung Choi, 69, pled guilty in Richmond provincial court on Tuesday and received a suspended sentence, a two-year term of probation, and was ordered to pay nearly $3,000 in restitution for three counts of cheating at play.

Richmond provincial court Judge Ron Fratkin has barred Choi from any casino or race track in B.C., and ordered her to take psychological and gambling addiction counselling as directed by her probation officer. She’s also to attend the adult forensic outpatient clinic as directed.

Choi must pay $2,020 in restitution to River Rock, $500 to Edgewater Casino and $465 to Boulevard casino.

Neither her lawyer, George Lee, or Crown counsel Megan Israels, was available for comment at press time.

I can understand why...obviously she was not that good of a cheater, certainly not good enough to hold a candle to some of the femme fatale poker and casino cheats who worked with me!