
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CAP Partners Trading Cheat Jabs!

The fallout continues in the split between partners at Casino Affiliate Programs (better known as CAP). Co-founder, Lou Fabiano, has gone on the defensive and began posting on several message boards Monday accusing partner, Warren Jolly, withholding of funds. He also alleges that Jolly was the man behind a "rogue" online poker room, Both men have denied any role in CardSpike's ownership up until this point.

Fabiano commented Monday night:

"There are indeed major problems at CAP and I am actively fighting to regain control of the community and company I founded. I am banned at CAP so I will use all outlets available to me to stay in touch with online gambling community. I am hopeful that a resolution can be reached, but because Warren Jolly removed all company funds from our bank accounts last Friday and is not accepting my calls, has blocked me on Skype and blocked my emails to anyone on my staff at Affiliate Media Inc its difficult to imagine that happening.

"I am actively pursuing this with legal counsel and I ask everyone to assist me in anyway possible way to correct this grave injustice. Please vote with your pens, checkbooks and keyboards and until the Professor is restored to the community I would ask that the Programs who have known me and worked with our community for years tell Mr. Jolly no more support until you do what's right.

If he is willing to do this to the majority shareholder of the company just imagine what he will do to you if I am disallowed to keep him in check. I also ask all affiliates of CAP to demand the Professor be readmitted to CAP immediately."

Questions remained as to the viability of what had become quite a successful business model in recent years. The CAP networking events typically attract over 1000 online casino affiliates and operators, but it is Fabiano and Alex Pratt who are often identified with the organizational functions. Jolly is more the "party guy" who spends much of his time socializing with a handful of CAP members. It is common to attend one of these events and not event bump into Jolly.

In the past, Jolly has been reprimanded for his attempts to bed Senior International Correspondent, Jenny Woo.

"He would fly into Miami and try to arrange for me to work at CAP events behind management's backs, lying and cheating, thinking he could get into my pants," Woo said. "I would just play him like a fiddle, get a free meal and drinks, then report back to Management."

Woo admits she missed attending the CAP events, however.

"They were lots of fun and I made so many wonderful affiliate friends, plus I really like Lou and his wife," she said.

There was also some question as to whether Alex Pratt would remain with the organization. Other similar organizations have expressed interest in having Pratt work for them in a similar capacity though it was not immediately known if Pratt had accepted any offers.